Note: I ordered this one in X-7 series and had a bad experience with this seller, so copied my review here for everyone to have a chance to read what could happen to you.
It arrived in a very filthy box with all the parts dumped without any instructions, so took a while to figure out I couldn't even finish it with missing parts. Scratches were all over the parts and one wheel was completely busted so no air to be held. I could clearly see this product had been used by someone before.
After contacting amazon, this company sent a replacement right away. They also included a prepaid return label, so I wasn't too upset at that time.... until my first use. This product comes with 2 sets of straps (to hold a golf bag) and each strap end has latches, but one strap was completely ripped and latch was missing.
Since I had their e-mail address from the previous incident, I contacted them directly... and my battle started from here with them ignoring all my e-mails unless I go through amazon to make claims (amazon keeps a copy of claims so they must reply). Although I was very frustrated, I still tired to be nice about it and suggested them to send me just the parts so they don't have to send the entire product again, thinking that would be a lot easier way for them.
Soon after, I regretted what I said, should have just returned it. They promised but never followed their word. As it just happened, my e-mails were ignored again, so I finally sent a message requesting for a refund. As I was ready to make a claim with amazon, they finally sent me the parts. Still don't believe but I did receive it today! It took 54 days to complete this order with too much of unnecessary effort. The product itself is nice, but the experience I had with this company was very stressful and upsetting especially when having communication problems. If I have a choice now, I would definitely buy from other company. Hope no one goes through the same experience I just had....
(2 customers reviews)Customers Rating=2.0 / 5.0
More Detail For
LINKSMAN GOLF X3 Three wheel Golf Push Cart BLACK 3 wheeled- 3 Wheel design w/ Maintenance free non-flat 12 EVA tires
- High Modulus ultra lightweight aluminum tubing
- Adjustable Lie Angles For Various Height players (4 options)
- Fold Cart while bag stays on Cart
- Front Wheel folds under frame for compact size