วันจันทร์ที่ 24 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2553

@# Butterfly Umbrella

My daughter used this umbrella 4 or 5 times before one of the metal struts detached from the umbrella ribs, making it unusable. And these were gentle uses!

I contacted the company, as I'd gotten it directly from Kidorable. They told me they'd be happy to replace it, if I mailed it back to them at my own expense. Cost of shipping tube, plus cost of first-class postage, was over $8, for a $14 umbrella.

Also, it's cute, but TINY!
(9 customers reviews)
Customers Rating=2.0 / 5.0

More Detail For Butterfly Umbrella

  • There's no excuse not to be cute just because it's raining!

