Had this bike about 1 month now and have had no problems. Instructions were understandable and assembly was was easy and relatively quick. Bike is sturdy and comfortable for people of different sizes (wife is 5'6" and son is 6'4"). Can't believe how quiet this thing is! Sits in the family room and you can ride and watch and hear the TV without turning up the sound or disturbing anyone else in the room. And it gives you a good workout too! Resistance adjustments are electronic and you can definitely feel the difference from one level to the next. Would definitely recommend this bike but usually don't have to. Anyone that sees it and tries it is impressed.
(258 customers reviews)
Customers Rating=4.5 / 5.0
More Detail For Schwinn 230 Recumbent Exercise Bike
- Compact stationary recumbent exercise bike with 6 preset programs and 16 resistance levels
- Easy-to-read LCD monitor displays time, distance, speed, calories burned, and more
- Comfortable recumbent seat with dual-position lumbar support and fore/aft seat slider
- Recumbent handlebars with integrated heart-rate grips; wide Bio-Fit pedals
- Water bottle holder; 10-year frame warranty; 1-year warranty on mechanical and electrical