I read a lot of reviews on a lot of different bike racks. We drive a Honda Odyssey minivan so I was worried about purchasing a bike rack that didn't fit well on a minivan. The Hollywood Rack F4 not only fits well, but you don't have to remove it to open the rear hatch. It took me a little bit to figure out how to assemble it when I first took it out of the package. It doesn't clearly show you that there's a couple bolts and nuts that have to be put on to complete the assembly. It does say that it comes pre-assembled, but you need to use the extra bolts and nuts that ships with it. However, once it's assembled, it's a breeze putting it back on. If there was one downside to it, the only one I see is the clamps that attach to the vehicle door and roof are metal and I worried that they may chip or wear away the paint on the vehicle. So far they haven't, but it would be better if there were a little foam inside them. We've fit 3 bikes no problem, but haven't yet tried fitting 4. One word of advice is when you get them on and strap them down with the provided strap, also bungie the wheels together so they don't move or spin during travel.
All in all, we really like this bike rack and would buy it again for our minivan.
(34 customers reviews)
Customers Rating=4.5 / 5.0
More Detail For Hollywood Racks F4 Heavy Duty 4 Bike Trunk Mount Rack
- Hollywood Racks F4 Heavy Duty 4-Bike Trunk Mount Rack carries up to four bikes and comes with a day glow safety flag
- Exclusive dual positioning trunk/bumper system allows a custom fit on most sedans, SUVs, and minivans
- Extra heavy-duty steel tubing and hardware and integrated tie down strap for extra security
- Motorcycle tie down buckles and extra side straps ensure a secure fit for heavy loads
- Comes fully pre-assembled and folds flat for easy storage