I ordered this bike for my son's 4th birthday because this is the exact bike he wanted and the bike store sold out of it. When the box arrived, it looked like it had been through a tornado - the box had SEVERAL large holes in it and some of the bike parts were sticking out. There was NO outer box, NO protective foam - just a 30 lb bike in a flimsy box! When we opened it up to inspect the bike, there were SEVERAL large scratches, a dented chain cover (to the point the bike would not function if put together), a broken seat reflector frame and a broken reflector. I contacted Amazon, which of course were totally helpful and sent a replacement bike overnight. I asked if they could package the bike better and handle better. The next box arrive in EXACTLY the same condition! Now this bike had many scratches, but nothing that would prevent safe riding and my son was beyond anxious to ride his bike, so I put it together only to find that the front fork (that holds the front wheel) was bent to the point that the wheel would NOT go into the fork. This apparently was the case for another reviewer as well. And with further inspection, the box was also missing a protective cover for the handle bars... WHAT do I do now!!!! Ask for yet another replacement that will likely also be damaged? My son is crushed and I am beyond furious! I LOVE Amazon, and have ordered everything from them for over 10 years without a problem but this particular item is one that I cannot recommend at all. I will try to post photos as well to help other understand.
(31 customers reviews)
Customers Rating=3.5 / 5.0
More Detail For Schwinn Scorcher Boys Bike 16 Inch Wheels
- BMX-style bike with 16-inch wheels for beginning riders
- Single speed bike includes removable training wheels
- Rear coaster brake makes stopping easy for new riders; also includes both front and rear caliper brakes
- Handlebar pad, enclosed chain guard, adjustable seat post
- Recommended for ages 3 to 6; assembly required