I started commuting to work by bike, but carrying my things in a backpack made me too sweaty and uncomfortable. These panniers are perfect. They came in a set of two. They attached easily to my bike rack, and stay secure. I was sure to attach them both as far back as possible so I don't kick them when I pedal. I also like that these come in a set of two. Having one on each side makes balancing easier. And I don't even notice them when I ride.
They are roomy, and the main compartment has both a drawstring enclosure and a buckle to keep items secure. There are also nice little pockets on the outside (I put my keys in one, and a couple of Lara bars in another!).
Also, this seller shipped the bags right away, and I got them the very next day!
(10 customers reviews)
Customers Rating=4.0 / 5.0
More Detail For Axiom 27.85 Litre Seymour Pannier Set
- Two-piece pannier large volume
- 3m reflective strips
- Weighs 925-Grams
- Approximate dimensions: 25cm length x 40cm height x 14cm weight