This is a wonderful bike rack. It works as advertised and is of high quality. I did have one slight problem, however. I noticed on some of the reviews that you could use a standard padlock to secure the padded bar down on to the bike to prevent theft. I purchased regular padlocks but found the holes where the padlock went through were to small. I purchased smaller locks, but they were to small and you could still pinch the latch to remove the bar. I ended up using a drill to open up the holes a bit. The standard padlocks now work and they do secure my bike.
Aside from that, a great product. Easy to use and set up, very happy with the product.
(173 customers reviews)
Customers Rating=4.5 / 5.0
More Detail For Swagman XC Cross Country 2 Bike Hitch Mount Rack 1.25 Inch Receiver
- 2 Bike Rack (1.25" Receiver)
- Carries up to 2 bikes
- Requires little to no assembly
- Rack folds up for easy storage or when not in use on the vehicle
- Easily adjusts to different bike frame sizes with the simple movement of the wheel holders.